SEO Services

#1 SEO Company in India
SEO Services That Deliver Results and Drive Growth

Optimize your website and secure top positions in Google SERP

Can’t Decide If SEO is the Right Tool for Your Brand?

Contact our team and let an SEO Expert help you understand the benefits of Search Engine Optimization for your business.

SEO Services That Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website

SEO Yodha is one of the leading SEO companies in India. We offer bespoke SEO management services to meet the specific business objectives and attract organic traffic to your website. At SEO Yodha, we have an experienced team of SEO experts who have worked on a variety of SEO campaigns in the past. 

Whether you want to secure top positions in Google SERP or simply want to optimize the on-page elements of your website, our team will meet your specific business goals. While working on an SEO campaign, we only utilize white-hat SEO practices so that you can attain the desired traffic goals and sustain them, even in the long run.

Our Monthly SEO Packages

At SEO Yodha, we offer a wide variety of SEO packages to cater to different business requirements. Our packages are tailored to help both small-scale and enterprise-level businesses build an effective online presence and generate more leads without exceeding their budget. 

SEO isn’t just about adding content and building more links. Being a professional SEO service provider, we ensure to implement the latest SEO practices so that your website can rank higher in Google search results and attract organic traffic. Since we only rely on white-hat SEO practices, your website will sustain the top rankings for a longer time, even if Google decides to introduce new search algorithms.

What Will You Get In Our Professional SEO Packages?

Detailed Audit

Performing a detailed website audit is the primary key to build an effective SEO campaign. Our team will analyze the current status of your website to evaluate all its strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also perform a detailed competitor analysis to examine their SEO strategies and develop the right campaign to surpass their website rankings. Once the website audit completes, we’ll share a detailed audit report so that you can understand how we’ll improve your brand’s online presence.

Keyword Research

The main objective of an SEO campaign is to improve the website’s rankings for keywords that drive targeted traffic. So, once we have shared the audit report, we’ll start evaluating the most potential keywords that’ll help your website attract more traffic and generate potential leads. We utilize a variety of SEO tools including Ahrefs and Keyword Planner to find the most suitable keywords for your website. After evaluating all the keywords, we’ll share the final sheet with the client for further modifications (if required).

Content Optimization

We understand the significance of writing well-optimized content for a website’s growth in SERP. That’s why our team of experienced writers will start optimizing your website’s content by adding the target keywords and making it search engine-friendly. We’ll also ensure to write enticing content for your different web pages so that they can easily engage the website visitors and encourage them to scroll till the end.

Regular Reporting

Being a professional SEO service provider, it is our responsibility to share detailed reports to help clients monitor the real-time growth of their SEO campaign. We provide both weekly and monthly SEO reports so that you can easily figure out if you’re receiving the desired results from your SEO campaign or not. Our reports are comprehensive, which means you’ll be able to track different metrics of your website without any hassle.

Irrespective of the SEO package that you’ll choose, these four elements will remain static in every case. Even if you choose the most basic SEO package, you can stay assured that we won’t compromise with the quality at all.

Why Choose SEO Yodha

As Your Professional SEO Services Partner

Every SEO package that you choose will provide you with a set of benefits that’ll improve your website’s online performance in Google search results.

Extensive Keyword Research

All our SEO campaigns begin with comprehensive keyword research to evaluate the most potential search phrases that’ll drive traffic to your website. We utilize different SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to analyze different metrics (average monthly searches and competition) of the target search queries.

White-Hat SEO Practices

Being a professional SEO service provider in India, we only utilize white-hat SEO practices to optimize your website for better search visibility. Unlike many SEO agencies, we don’t promise overnight success because all our practices are completely ethical and will continue to help your website, even in the long run.

Content Optimization

With a team of experienced content writers, we’ll ensure to optimize the on-page content of your website to make it more engaging. While working on your website content, our writers will also add the target keywords to optimize it for Google. In addition to this, we’ll also publish regular blogs and articles on your website to establish your brand as an authority in the market.

Quality Link Building

Backlinks are the backbone of any SEO campaign. At SEO Yodha, we ensure to build high-quality backlinks for your website that improves the overall domain authority (DA) and makes it easier for Google to crawl your website. We utilize tools such as Ahrefs to find potential link building opportunities and create quality backlinks so that your website can sustain top rankings for a longer time period.

Custom SEO Solutions

We offer bespoke SEO services India to attain your brand’s specific objectives. Whether you want more sales on your e-commerce store or want to rank higher in Google SERP, we’ll analyze your business goals and build a personalized SEO campaign accordingly.

SEO Reporting

We offer weekly as well as monthly SEO reports so that clients can stay up-to-date with the growth of their SEO campaign. You can go through these reports and evaluate if your SEO campaigns are generating a higher ROI or not. These reports will also help you make better marketing decisions in the coming future.

Looking for a Custom SEO Pricing Plan?

Share your business requirements with our experts and we’ll get back to you with a personalized quote accordingly.

SEO Yodha

A Reliable SEO Partner for Your Company

Even though there are hundreds of SEO companies in the market, we are your one-stop solution to get professional SEO services and achieve the desired results. Here are a few factors that make us stand out in the crowd:

Affordable Packages

We understand that not every business has thousands of dollars to spend on SEO every month. That’s why we offer top-notch SEO services at affordable costs. By joining hands with SEO Yodha, you’ll be able to build an effective online presence without burning a hole in your wallet.

Extensive Experience

At SEO Yodha, our team has years of experience working on different SEO campaigns. It’s our extensive experience that allows us to analyze the current status of a website and build result-driven SEO campaigns for better growth.

Guaranteed Organic Growth

SEO Yodha is a reputed SEO company in India. We implement SEO practices that ensure 100% growth and increased website traffic. Our services will help your website climb the search engine ladder and secure the top positions in SERP.

Expertise in Modern SEO Practices

Our team of SEO experts stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends all the time. We don’t want your website’s rankings to drop due to a minor change in Google’s search algorithms. That’s why our team will always implement the latest SEO practices to optimize your website for better search visibility.

Transparent Process

We follow a completely transparent process to gain our client’s trust. Our team will share even the smallest details regarding the SEO campaigns so that you always know what’s happening with your website. It’s our transparency that has helped acquire long-term clients over the years.

Customer Support

To maintain smooth communication, we ensure to assign dedicated project managers to different clients. This way you’ll be able to contact the dedicated person anytime you want and get a real-time update on the current status of your SEO campaign.

Our SEO Process

While building an SEO campaign, we follow a dedicated approach and implement result-driven strategies. Here’s a quick insight into our step-by-step SEO process:

Website Audit

Designing an effective SEO campaign becomes much easier when we know what we’re dealing with. That’s why we ensure to perform a detailed website at the beginning. We’ll analyze your website’s current rankings in SERP, evaluate the current keywords, and perform a competitor analysis to evaluate your current website presence. The final audit report will then help us include appropriate SEO strategies and sail in the right direction.

Keyword Analysis

It’s not important to target all the keywords that your competitors are targeting. The idea is to evaluate search phrases that’ll drive potential traffic to your website and increase the overall sales. Our team will utilize a variety of SEO tools such as Ahreds and Google Keyword Planner to find the most potential keywords for your website so that you can drive highly targeted traffic from Google.

On-Page Optimization

On-Page Optimization is the process of optimizing on-page elements of a website for better search visibility. We’ll follow the latest on-page optimization practices to add relevant content, fix broken pages, modify code to make your website mobile-friendly, and even optimize the loading speed. On-page optimization will make your website more interactive and it’ll become easier to engage the visitors.

On-Page Optimization

On-Page Optimization is the process of optimizing on-page elements of a website for better search visibility. We’ll follow the latest on-page optimization practices to add relevant content, fix broken pages, modify code to make your website mobile-friendly, and even optimize the loading speed. On-page optimization will make your website more interactive and it’ll become easier to engage the visitors.

Regular Reporting

After optimizing different elements of your website, we’ll utilize different tools to monitor its real-time growth. Our team will provide weekly/monthly reports to help you evaluate the overall growth of your website. The reports will contain the new rankings, bounce rate, dwell time, etc so that you can easily understand if you’re achieving the desired results from the SEO campaign or not.

Competitor Research

Competitor Research is another crucial part of a successful SEO campaign. Once we have evaluated all the potential keywords, we’ll perform a comprehensive competitor analysis to find all your successful competitors. We’ll then analyze their SEO strategies and craft an effective SEO plan to achieve the same results for your brand. In addition to this, performing a competitor analysis will also help us find better content and link building opportunities for your website.

Search Engine Indexing

If you want to attract organic traffic more quickly, we’ll ensure to manually submit your website details to the search engine and popular local directories on the Internet. We’ll keep your brand’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information constant across all the platforms so that you can generate qualified leads from both the search engine and other directories.

SEO Maintenance

SEO isn’t a one-time strategy. Since Google keeps introducing new algorithms every now and then, it’s important to update your SEO campaign to sustain top search engine rankings. To ensure that your website’s rankings don’t fall, we’ll keep maintaining your SEO campaign and make essential changes so that you can continue to attract a streamline of incoming traffic to your website.

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