SEO case study: Skyrocketing a brand new website from 0 to 49.6K impressions in 3 months

In the competitive digital landscape, launching a new website and carving out a significant presence is a formidable challenge.

In early 2023, we partnered up with a legal firm on pre-court debt recovery services , registered a local Malaysian domain name ( and started a brand new website from scratch.

The ambition was not just to enter the market but to make an indelible mark from the outset.

With no prior online footprint, the challenge was not just about building visibility but doing so in a way that would lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

Despite the dominance of established players, our website managed to quickly turn the tables, securing a place at the top of search rankings and generating numerous leads daily.



In just three months of launch, the results were nothing short of remarkable:

  • Impressions soared from 0 to 49.6K.
  • Clicks to the website increased from 0 to 3.6K.
  • The website started ranking for key industry terms, establishing itself as an authority in the debt recovery space.
  • Getting 5-10 solid leads per day.

Our strategy

Our approach was multifaceted, focusing on quick wins and long-term strategies to build a robust online presence:

  • Ensured the website’s technical foundation was solid, with a focus on site speed, mobile optimization, and crawlability.
  • Optimised the metadata for all pages.
  • Updated existing webpage content to match the searcher’s intent.
  • Competitor research.
  • Keyword research to identify opportunities that aligned with our site’s business offerings and audience’s requirements.
  • Crafted high-quality, SEO-optimized content that addressed the needs and questions of our target audience.
  • Created a robust internal linking structure between the pages to allow a smooth flow of traffic.

Our website’s journey from zero to hero in a short period highlights the potential for rapid growth when innovative SEO techniques are applied with precision and expertise.


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