SEO Case Study: How Google’s Algo Update Rewarded our Orthopedic Client’s Traffic by 71.69% for SEO Done Right

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the only constant is change.

We started working for this client (an orthopedic clinic) in January 2024. Our goal was to grow organic traffic through strategic content enhancement and optimization. The results started showing right away with an upswing in organic traffic by the end of the first month itself.

And Google’s March 2024 core algorithm roll-out (focused on scaled content) created no hurdles. In fact, it only acted as a catalyst by rewarding our genuine efforts for the target audience!

This narrative isn’t just about numbers; it’s a proof to the power of structured content and the foresight to align with evolving algorithms.


Between January 2024 to March 2024, the website kept seeing a positive growth curve (with no negative impacts from Google’s algo roll out):

  • 71.69% uptick in organic traffic (and not just a spike but sustainable growth!)
  • Significant ranking improvements for various keywords, including top positions for highly competitive terms.

    What we did?

    We focused on:

    • Searcher’s Intent and Analytics: Analyzed user behavior and search patterns to tailor our content to meet the audience’s specific needs, ensuring relevance and engagement.
    • Topical Authority and Keyword Research: Identified primary keywords and their semantic variations, creating a topical map to guide our content creation.
    • Quality and Value-Driven Content: Crafted to provide genuine value, offering insights, advice, and information that went beyond the surface level. This commitment to quality sets our client apart in the eyes of users (and the algorithm!).
    • Topical Clusters and Internal Linking: Organized content into topical clusters, ensuring a coherent and intuitive user journey.
    • Strengthening EEAT(Experience, Expertise, Authority & Trust): Linked author bios and insights to establish trust in content.
    • Strategic Internal Linking: Further amplified SEO equity by creating an organised and meaningful internal linking web.
    • Optimization for User Intent: Fine-tuned on page optimization to cater to the searcher’s intent, ensuring that our content was not just found but also appreciated and valued by our audience.

    The Google March 2024 update was a call to prioritize value, relevance, and user intent. While many sites on the web dropped in numbers, many others that were already focusing on quality SEO-content did just fine.

    As we look to the future, one thing is clear: in the ever-changing landscape of SEO, those who adapt, innovate, and focus on delivering genuine value will not just survive; they will thrive.

    For more SEO case studies, visit us at:

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