SEO Case Study: Accelerating Sales For A Singaporean Used Car Dealer Website

Our client, a prominent used car dealer in Singapore, faced challenges in attracting more online traffic that converts into leads. Their online presence was not generating the desired level of engagement and conversions.

The project commenced at the end of May 2023.

The primary goal was to significantly increase online visibility, drive more high-intent organic traffic to the website, and enhance lead generation through effective SEO strategies.


  • Comparing the last three months with the previous three, we observed a remarkable 166% increase in impressions and a 162% increase in clicks.
  • The website started ranking higher for key industry-related search terms, popular car brands and models.
  • Enhanced user engagement and a noticeable increase in inquiries and sales conversions.

    Strategies implemented

    • Conducted a thorough audit of the dealership’s website, identifying and resolving technical SEO issues, enhancing site structure, and improving user experience to cater to Singapore’s used car buyers.
    • Layered the website’s existing content to appeal specifically to customers in Singapore looking to purchase used cars, ensuring relevance and engagement.
    • Developed a localized content strategy centred on high-impact keywords relevant to the Singaporean automobile market, focusing on the unique aspects of buying used cars in the region.
    • Created topical clusters for used car market and built informative and engaging content around these keywords
    • On-page SEO (meta tags, headers, and content) enhancements for local relevance
    • Internal linking for SEO and user navigation to facilitate smooth equity flow
    • Optimized individual pages for branded terms, models, year, etc.

    This case study demonstrates the power of a well-executed SEO strategy in transforming a used car dealer’s digital presence in Singapore.

    By focusing on the local markets, competitors, and target audience, we were able to significantly increase online visibility and engagement, leading to tangible business growth.
    For more SEO case studies, visit us at:

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