Growing Web Traffic for a SAAS Solution Using SEO-Structured Content

Growing Web Traffic

Our client is a leading B2B SaaS provider in the project management space. The website was struggling with low visibility on search engines, resulting in fewer impressions and clicks.

What we did?

We kicked off our journey with a SaaS SEO discovery workshop to understand the client’s brand purpose, offerings, and the searchable terms they wanted to show up for. This is what we did next:

  • Extensive keyword research and competitor analysis to create a robust keyword list. Reverse-engineered what is already working with competitors and did it better.
  • Prioritized the keywords based on their relevance to the client’s business and mapped them to different stages of the buyer’s journey.
  • Create content that is aligned to the searcher’s intent
  • Identified opportunities and low-hanging fruits.
  • Built topic clusters around these keywords to improve the website’s structure and make it easier for Google to crawl and understand.
  • Created informational content that was closely tied to the core product’s offering.
  • Created a layout for internal linking between pages to allow a smooth flow of SEO equity to the pages where conversions happen.


Our comprehensive SEO strategy paid off.

  • Impressions increased by 600%.
  • Clicks increased by 1350%.
  • The website started ranking higher for several high-intent keywords.
  • Higher lead generation and conversions.

SEO requires consistent efforts, and we continue to monitor and optimize the client’s SEO strategy to maintain and improve their search engine rankings.

Growing Web Traffic

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